Sep 22, 2012

Are you ready for pets?

Whether to have pets or not is a household decision. Your kids may definitely like the idea but are they ready for it, or are you? The responsibilities that come along with pets and the physical requirements (like pet's home and where to put it) are just some of the things you need to think of before deciding. If your kids have allergies, you might need to think not just twice but many times.
We had hamsters last year, the female one even gave birth to 3 cutelings at New Year's Eve. But then because of the difficulty in leaving them when we as a family go someplace, we decided to give them away.
Hamster babies
As a mom, I look for ways to train my kids to do their tasks and responsibilities so when we got the hamsters from the province, I assigned my kids some tasks related to caring for our new pets.But my younger one has this over giggling towards the cute hamsters. One day, I suspected that one of our hamsters suffered from broken bones because it could no longer stand up. Later that day, he died. Poor thing.
So here are some things to consider and discuss with your kids before you let those pets into your household.

  1. Are the kids emotionally ready? Make sure no one gets too excited, as the pets may end up getting too stressed or worse, hurt. Your kids should be willing to care for them.
  2. Is there any available pet shop nearby? If the pet shop is too far, you will likely have a problem in feeding them on time. If possible, scout your are for the nearest vet.
  3. If your kids have allergies, it is best to locate the pet's home to an area away from your kids' regular play area. If it is really a problem, then opt not to have a pet at all.
  4. Have a neighbor-friend act as partner in caring for the pet, you will need one especially when you are away.

Hamster eating
Pets are great companions. And through them, the kids can learn responsibility and compassion. But this takes quite a lot of effort and cooperation.

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