Mar 18, 2012

The warmest of celebrations

baloons We prefer to party at home. Aside from being practical, I like the warmth and it's being a personal thing doing celebrations in our house. The thing is, we prefer and we're more comfortable around people who are really close to us. It's also a chance for a sort of an open house. Since we moved to the outskirts, away from the city, we get very rare visits from friends and relatives. So, it is very fitting that we hold celebrations at home when there is an occasion. This photo was taken during my Andre's birthday, we ordered balloons with helium in it because we liked the idea of having colors up in our all-white ceilings (and walls) and way more FUN for the kids. The common thing now is just buy balloons on sticks.  But nothing beats the flying balloons, it's the child in us that is ecstatic when we see something colorful up there.


  1. I love the ballons! You're right - they do look good against the white ceilings.

    I trust that the celebration was enjoyable; that Andre enjoyed his birthday. :)

  2. It was Anita! Thanks again for dropping by.

  3. Just wanted to say that your dining room looks great! love the shelves and i wish i knew that you can have dark brown frames for your window screen instead of the usual silver aluminum ones...hope you could post more pictures of your home to serve as an idea board for us readers:)...thanks and more power!
